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What to Expect in Economy, Safety, and Work.

Cities are home to half of the Earth's total population, and the number of people living in the world's cities is expected to double by 2050. As might be expected, the infrastructures and resources those cities rely on are being put to the test.

Guadalajara, Mexico's second largest city is one of these cities that pursues the dream to get ahead and stay ahead. It was among the first of 10 municipalities participating in the IEEE Smart Cities Initiative (SCI) when it was launched in March 2014.

But did it deliver? Where is Guadalajara today, on its journey to becoming a smart city?

According to the Wilson Center, the whole country of Mexico today faces an existential crisis that is unprecedented in its recent history. Its economic model, technology, society, and natural environment-- are shifting with consequences that are difficult to predict.

Our article examines the innovation opportunities and challenges facing Mexico and Guadalajara in the coming decades. Looking Ahead, what can Expats in Guadalajara expect in economy, safety, and work?

FAQs We Cover:

🌟What are the predicted economic trends for Guadalajara in the upcoming years?

🌟Are there upcoming safety initiatives or changes expats should be aware of in Guadalajara?

🌟Which industries or sectors in Guadalajara are expected to boom in the near future?

🌟How is Guadalajara preparing for its future economic challenges?

🌟Are there new community projects or initiatives in Guadalajara that expats can participate in?

Let's delve into the near future. 🌟📊

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