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How You Can Help Guadalajara Become a Better Place

No matter where you choose to live on our blue planet, you will need to adjust your mindset to truly integrate and feel happy.

As a woman born French, who grew up in Africa before becoming an adult in the United States and finally calling Mexico my new home, I had to change my mindset many times throughout my life to integrate into communities I was not familiar with.

This article is written on the premise that it is essential during our life on Earth to give more than we take.

Most of TWIG’s articles are filled with super useful data, but this article is about emotions and values. Who do you want to be and how do you want to be remembered?

In this article, you’ll learn:

🌟 How to Become the Best Expat in Guadalajara 🌟 Tips for Living Intentionally and Making an Impact 🌟 The 10 Traits of a Superhero/heroine

I consider myself an Expat Superheroine and I challenge you to become one 🌟

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